Monday, December 15, 2008

A Fun Weekend & Kimberly Schlegel Whitman

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. My hubby & I made a quick weekend trip to Dallas to visit some friends and get some Christmas shopping finished up. We had a great time, and I kept telling Mark that I wanted to check out some work-related things while we were there, as Dallas has a great event market, and he kept reminding me that this was our weekend away.

So, while I missed out doing some research, I did run into an event professional whose work I truly admire! We were shopping in one of the large department stores in the North Park Center when I saw one of the employees holding a book I recognized. We walked past her, and then I grabbed Mark and told him to wait a second, so I walked back to the nice lady and asked her if I could see her book. It was one I had really wanted to pick up, and I wanted to know if it was available in the store. Well, "yes" she replied and the author was just around the corner {in the shoe department...fave!} to sign the book. I was just tickled and so excited!

Kimberly Schlegel Whitman is an entertaining expert! So, I turned the corner and walked right up to introduce myself. Her book, Tablescapes, is a gorgeous compilation of ideas on decor, etiquette, and great tips on entertaining. Page after page you will find gorgeous events she has been a part of. While I turned through the book we had a chance to visit about the industry and the type of work that we do. What a treat in my day of thousands of people in a mall just out to get their Christmas presents and head home! Of course, I made Mark snap our picture and I had my fix of "work" for the weekend. (Sorry for the exhausted had already been hours of shopping!)

Here is the book, and the inside which she signed for me. It looks great in my cabinet here in the office!

Be sure to check out Kimberly's website and her book Tablescapes. She even has a book on Dog Parties! Maybe I will throw one for Jack...

Don't forget to leave your comments for cans! Maybe share a time you met someone fun or a great entertaining tip you have.

Kimberly, it was a treat to meet you and I hope we continue to stay in touch!


Boonies in the Boonies said...

Look how full of events your calendar is Jenessa! Looks like you're doing well!! I love reading your blog and keeping up with you!! Merry Christmas!
PPL, Rebekah

Anonymous said...

Hey! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend in Dallas! I think your can idea is great...glad I can help! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Benfield Photography said...

Don't invite Grover to that Dog Party. He will likely be a snack for Jack. ;)

Kristen Darlene said...

That's awesome! First Preston.. now Kimberly! You've met two of my top four, I could die! :o)

Ceiling Contractors Greenburgh said...

Thanks for wrriting